Friday, November 8, 2013

Ridiculous Ideas & Photos to Prove It

Ridiculous ideas. They usually don't seem ridiculous at the time, and if you have any initial doubts, you tend to squelch the part of you that wants to nay-say and embrace the foolish hopeful portion that says "Grand idea! Why didn't I think of that?!"

It was not actually my ridiculous idea. I was just the pawn who bought the ridiculous idea. I was simply lured in by genius advertising and marketing. Bravo, advertisers, marketers and  pushers. Well done, good sirs. I was now the proud owner of a twenty-claw set of teeny tiny (complete with glue!) cat claw nail tips.

What did I think would happen? I don't really know. I was previous-to-my-ridiculous-purchase an irritated cat owner who became enraged at the far off sound of one of our two cats clawing at the furniture or carpet. The clever felines always managed to claw at something at a moment when I was otherwise engaged and could not spring to the rescue of my furniture or carpet: curled up under a blanket watching TV, guarding soon-to-be-boiling water, or viewing a particularly funny video on YouTube of a cat drinking water from a faucet. (Adorable!)

I was in need of a solution. Like a perfect-fitting (albeit glass) slipper, presented to my tiny, willing foot was the following: 

The clouds parted and a ray of holy sunshine hugged my soul with solution-ish bliss.

My package arrived in the mail a few days later and I excitedly showed my family the answer to our problems. They laughed hysterically (spouse) rolled their eyes (daughter) and feigned disinterest (son). This made me vow to be the saver-of-furniture-and-carpet via my astutely-discovered purchase. I put my save-the-furniture purchase "in a safe place" for future contemplation.

Ten months later, while cleaning up my "home office", I came across the $12.99 (+ free shipping!) package and decided to give it a go. The following is a photo story of the events as they occurred:

Smudge and I become acquainted with the solution.

We read the simple directions.

I remind myself how I will save the furniture and carpet.

I look to Smudge for the nod of approval/We'll-show-them! validation.

I think I see a glimmer of cooperative spirit in her eyes.

Nope. It was a show of claws.

Project abandoned. Cats win.

Okay, it was a ridiculous idea. But, ridiculous ideas must be faced head-on and embraced until they are roundly defeated by a cat swipe to the hand that feeds them.

While Smudge destroyed the product and packaging of the-answer-to-our-problems, I settled in to watch some (adorable!) cat on YouTube drinking water from a faucet: