Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Year of Living Pinterestingly: Segment One

This is an hilarious character created by Allie Brosh of 

My name is Lisa and I've succumbed to Pinterest. 
You in unison: "Hi Lisa."

I soak up all its visually stimulating, time sucking glory. I'm a visual learner and a non-creative copycat. So when I see something visually pleasing, and want to go to there, I think, "How hard can it be? Couldn't I make that?" <<----Rhetorical questions, Steve. But if you have to answer them, try: 1. Not that hard, sweetheart. and 2. You could make that and I'd be glad to help you!

So I found out about Pinterest just before the New Year 2012 and as soon as the clock struck midnight, I had my first project planned for Steve to help me with.

There was this great photo of a poor little toilet room (We have that!) with a poor blank space above its head (We have that, too!) that needed some rich mahogany-looking, heavy, "floating" shelves with no brackets or hardware showing. These shelves were just magically floating, anchoring that poor little toilet room and bringing it some weight and class. ("We" can do that!) 

Here's the photo that made me drool with all kinds of deadly sins:


Castle Rock, COUnited States
Well, as a Pinterest newbie, I promptly misplaced the photo-inspiration that would ensure my success, (ALWAYS pin! ALWAYS pin!) so I was left with trying to explain my vision to Steve. I was gesturing pinterestingly with my arms and sighing longingly as I described this pearl of beauty. I may or may not have used the HGTV most-used-overused-and-hated-by-me word, pop! "...and it'll really give our toilet room that...*pop* it needs!" Just hearing myself say it was almost unconvincing. You shouldn't use an HGTV word on an engineer. He speaks in numbers. With no exclamation points.

Per usual, and using his engineer voice, Steve explained the possible difficulty, the time commitment, the probable cost, the uncertainty of achieving what was in my mind's eye, and (probably) his basic hope that I would change my mind. 

So, when he stopped talking, we were off and running!

Weeks, hundreds of dollars and priceless quality bonding time later, we were done! Since I don't have much photo documentation for this project (ALWAYS document! ALWAYS document!), I'll post a sort-of-during and much-after photo and let the reader decide.

The sort-of-during photos of our sad, lonely toilet room makeover
Insert blood, sweat, tears, time,dollars, more sweat, and more dollars. And heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's the reveal:

The much-after-photo of our toilet room with magical floating shelves and no memory of the chaos that ensued to reach this point.

Was it worth it? Did my expectations match reality? Will dear Steve ever feel the same when I say "I saw this photo on Pinterest..."???

Stay tuned because those were all rhetorical questions anyway, and would certainly dampen my spirit if I had to entertain the possible answers.

So, that concludes Pinterest Project #1! Stay tuned for the Paint Chip Collage, the T-Shirt Quilt, the Graduation Clever Chocolate Caps, the HempJute Pendant Lamp Shade, and perhaps the elusive Garden Totems.